All levels RPTenis

150,00 450,00 

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The Competitive Coaching Course (coaching players 12-18 years old) is designed as a response to the high demands of today’s tennis, where are players pushed at a young age to begin competing. Through the Competitive Coaching Course, a teaching tennis professional will acquire the necessary skills (technical, tactical, physical and mental) needed to transition to the next level of the pyramid in the Spanish Method of training.

The Pro Coaching Course (coaching juniors to professionals +18 years old) is designed for those Competitive Coaches who want to devote their time and energies into developing players whose ambitions and talents far exceed the recreational club player.

The Doubles Coaching Course – DoublesCC is a specialization course in the game of Doubles that lasts 10 hours during an intense work day. During the workshop technical, tactical, physical and mental aspects of the Doubles game with lectures in classroom and on the court with different chains of exercises, controls and competition match play are worked on, and also how the Doubles can help in the development of the player to individual level and enhance it.

The College Coaching Course is a specific specialization course for coaches who work at College & Universities in the United States. During the workshop technical, tactical, physical and mental aspects are worked to empower the player, both in singles and in doubles. It works with lectures in classroom and work on court with different chains of exercises, controls and competition match play.

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CCC Level 1, Pro CCC Level 2, Doubles CC, College CC